“Come kneel before the Lord our Maker, for he is our God. We are his sheep and he is our Shepard. Oh, that you would hear him calling you today and come to him!”
Psalm 95:3-7
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are parishioners who, after preparation and commissioning, assist in giving the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. For more information contact our Parish office (419) 693-1150.
The Lectors are parishioners who proclaim the Scriptures at Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Anyone who is interested in this ministry should contact the Parish Office (419) 693-1150.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers are girls and boys, fourth grade and older, who assist the priest at weekend Masses and other liturgical celebrations. For more information contact our Parish office (419) 693-1150.
Offertory Gift Bearers
The Offertory Gift Bearers represent the assembly in presenting the gifts of bread and wine to the priest at each weekend Mass. For more information contact our Parish office (419) 693-1150.
Greeters offer hospitality to the gathering assembly, assist with seating as needed, and take up the offertory collection. For more information or for scheduling please contact the parish office at (419) 693-1150.
Our Ushers assist with seating as needed and take up the offertory collection. For more information or for scheduling please contact the parish office at (419) 693-1150.
Resurrection Choir
Resurrection Choir provides support for bereaved families and friends by singing at funeral liturgies and Memorial Masses. Resurrection Choir does not meet for weekly practices, but members arrive at church 20 minutes before the funeral to prepare in the Life Center. For more information, call Janaye Ashman at (419) 693-1150.
Cappella Chorus, St. Ignatius' Adult Choir
Cappella Chorus, St. Ignatius’ Adult Choir provides musical leadership by singing at 8:00 a.m. Sunday Mass and other liturgical celebrations throughout the year. Rehearsals are Thursdays from 5:30-7:00 p.m. For more information or to join, call Janaye Ashman at (419) 693-1150.
Con Brio
Con Brio is a contemporary music group that assists the parish in praising God through song at the 11:30 a.m. Sunday Mass and at other liturgical celebrations. For more information, call Janaye Ashman at (419) 693-1150.
Cantors lead the congregation by singing the responsorial psalm and other acclamations. For more information, call Janaye Ashman at (419) 693-1150.
St. Cecilia Children's Chime Chorale
St. Cecilia Children’s Chime Chorale is a musical ensemble for children and youth in grades 2-7. The chorale plays at our parish Youth Masses and for other special occasions throughout the year. Practices are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month in the Life Center from 5:30-6:30 p.m. For more information or to join, call Janaye Ashman at (419) 693-1150.
Church Decorating Team
Church Decorating Team is a group of parishioners who help decorate the church for Christmas. Decorating dates/times are posted in the bulletin, or you can volunteer by calling Janaye Ashman at (419) 693-1150.
Prayer Chain
Our Prayer Chain is a network of parishioners who pray regularly for the special needs of our community upon request. Anyone may ask for intercessory prayer for oneself, a family member or friend by contacting Lisa Perlaky at (419) 693-1150.
Adult Funeral Servers, EMHCs, & Lectors
Adult Funeral Servers, EMHCs, & Lectors provides support for the bereaved family at a funeral by exercising these liturgical ministries at the funeral Mass. For more information please contact Lisa Perlaky at (419) 693-1150.
Book of Prayer Intentions
The Book Of Prayer Intentions is displayed with our votive rack and statues. Parishioners are encouraged to write their prayer intentions into this book. These intentions are offered up to the Lord in the prayer of the Faithful at weekend Masses.
“Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
Matthew 28:19-20
Faith Formation (A Family of Faith)
A Family of Faith is a new way to think about Religious Education. A Family of Faith helps develop strong Catholic families where children learn the joys of following Jesus Christ and the truths of our Faith through the witness of Christian life given by their parents.
Each month parents have the opportunity to choose from a variety of activities and discussion that they can do as a family to explore the concepts that are taught in each lesson.
Parents and children come together at the parish once a month for family catechesis and community building.
Sessions are the 2nd Sunday of each month from: 9:15am-11:15am.
Printable 2024-2025 Registration Form
Contact Mindy Koczorowski @ 419-693-1150 or youth@stiggys.org with questions.
First Sacraments
Children normally receive their First Penance and First Communion during their Second Grade year. Parents are expected to be actively involved in their child’s preparation. First Reconciliation is celebrated in the fall of their Second Grade year, and First Eucharist follows in the spring. To be eligible for First Penance/Eucharist, a child and family must attend two years of Faith Formation classes, normally in the First and Second Grade. Occasionally a child who is older may need to celebrate their First Penance/Eucharist. These cases will be handled on an individual basis with additional material being added to their regular class material. In order to receive First Eucharist, it is necessary, of course, for a child to have already been baptized. To enroll in First Sacraments, please contact Mindy Koczorowski @ 419-693-1150 or youth@stiggys.org
This sacrament, which completes one’s initiation into the Catholic Church is celebrated during the Eighth Grade year. In addition to the preparation that the children will receive during class time, youth are also required to gain service hours in three areas: Parish, Family, and Community. This is a reflection of Jesus’ desire that his followers be servants to others. The students may begin to complete their service hours during the summer after their Sixth Grade year. Also included in their Confirmation preparation is the choosing of a saint’s name and corresponding saint report, a Confirmation retreat provided here at our parish, and an interview with the pastor or catechetical leader. To enroll in First Sacraments, please contact Mindy Koczorowski @ 419-693-1150 or youth@stiggys.org.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
RCIA (Catechumenate) is the process for bringing adults of other religions or unbaptized adults into the Catholic Church. Persons who are interested in joining the Catholic Church, their sponsors and a group of current members meet, beginning in September. This small faith-sharing community will seek a deeper understanding of what discipleship in Christ is all about and will celebrate the steps of initiation in liturgical rituals throughout the year. Call the Parish Office for more information (419) 693-1150.
Youth Ministry (Life Teen)
As a Eucharist-centered movement within the Roman Catholic Church, Life Teen leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. With the Blessed Virgin Mary as our intercessor and guide, Life Teen seeks to unleash the fullness of the Sacramental power present within the young Church.
Life Teen strengthens our teens’ Catholic identity, while rooting them firmly in Christ and in His Church.
LifeTeen Overview Video:
Young Adult Ministry
Young Adult Ministry offers the opportunity to gather together for support and guidance for those in their late teens, twenties, and thirties. For more information contact our Parish Office (419) 693-1150.
Cardinal Stritch Catholic High School & Academy
For more information visit their website at www.cardinalstritch.org.
Parish Library
Located in the Parish Life Center, a small library is available to parishioners to assist them with their spiritual growth. The library includes a range of book titles and some DVDs covering topics such as Bible study, Catholic Church teachings, parenting, marriage enrichment, and spiritual life. A team of parishioners keeps the library in order and processes new books. To join the team call the parish office (419) 693-1150.
Gifted and Called
Ministry Team members promote and facilitate sessions to administer the Spiritual Gifts Inventory to parish members, helping them to identify the charisms or spiritual gifts they have received from the Holy Spirit. Parish members are invited to take the next step and use their spiritual gifts to serve our community in some form of ministry. If interested in serving on the team or taking the inventory call the parish office (419) 693-1150.
This is a declaration by a church tribunal that a couple’s previous marriage (which has ended in divorce) lacked essential elements to be considered a valid sacramental marriage in the Catholic Church. A person seeks an annulment:
- to put closure on a former relationship,
- to receive an internal spiritual reconciliation,
- to remarry within the Catholic Church.
Contact Fr. Keith Stripe for more information (419) 693-1150
“For I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me water; I was a stranger and you invited me into your homes; naked and you clothed me; sick and in prison, and you visited me”…..”And I, the King, will tell them, When you did it to these my brothers you were doing it to me!”
Matthew 25:35-36
St. Vincent De Paul Society
St. Vincent de Paul Society is an international Catholic organization of lay persons that seeks, in a spirit of justice and charity and by person-to-person involvement, to help the poor. They make emergency food available and visit St Charles Hospital and area nursing homes on Sunday. For more information contact the parish office at (419) 693-1150
Bay Park Hospital Communion Ministry
Parishioners have the opportunity to bring the Eucharist to Catholics at Bay Park Hospital. Training is provided by the hospital which also handles the scheduling. Ministry is performed on a monthly basis. For more information contact the parish office at (419) 693-1150.
St. Louis Helping Hands
St. Louis Helping Hands provides food service for the poor and needy. Food is prepared and the kitchen is staffed by St. Ignatius parishioners on the third Monday of each month. To volunteer please contact our Parish Office at (419) 693-1150.
Friendly Visitors
Friendly Visitors provides support to parishioners who because of age or illness are confined to their homes, nursing homes or assisted living. Parishioners are asked to inform the parish of a homebound family member or neighbor so that our parish family can stay connected and provide ministry as needed. Volunteers make visits and bring the Eucharist. Bulletins are mailed to those who are homebound. Call the Parish Office with information about a homebound parishioner or to volunteer for this ministry contact the parish office at (419) 693-1150.
Bereavement Ministry
Designed to help those who have lost a loved one they provide friendship, support, and understanding through fellowship with others who have experienced grief. This accomplished one-on-one contact, a monthly support group, and regular mailings. If you feel called to this ministry contact the parish office 419-693-1150
Good Samaritan Parishioners
Parishioners are invited to prepare casseroles for St. Louis Helping Hands in Toledo. Pans and recipes are provided quarterly. For more information Lisa Perlaky at the parish office (419) 693-1150.
Funeral Luncheon Team
Funeral Luncheon Team serves a meal, provided by the deceased member’s family in the parish life center for a deceased parishioner’s family and friends after the funeral. Call the parish office for information or to volunteer for this ministry (419) 693-1150.
Nursing Home Visitation
St. Ignatius Parish is responsible for the spiritual care of the clients of Heartland Nursing home on Navarre Ave. Volunteers take Communion to the home every Friday and Mass is offered on the fourth Friday of each month at 10:30 a.m. To volunteer for this ministry please call the parish office (419) 693-1150.
Giving Tree
The giving tree is St. Ignatius’ Advent outreach to poor families in the Oregon area. On the First Sunday of Advent, the Giving Tree is displayed in the church. Tags on the tree indicate family needs or items needed to help needy families. Parishioners are invited to take a tag from the tree and purchase the gifts, returning them to the church for distribution. Contact the parish office for more info (419) 693-1150
Social Concerns Team
This ministry team has a threefold purpose: to educate parishioners about the social teaching of the Catholic Church and current social issues, to create opportunities for parishioners to share in social ministry, and to explore and establish new social ministries in our parish. If you feel called to share in this ministry call Fr. Keith Stripe (419) 693-1150.
Divorce Care Ministry
Our ministry team will provide understanding and support for the divorced through a thirteen-week series. Dealing with hurt and anger, coping and moving forward, status within the church and the annulment process will be some of the topics discussed. If you are interested in this ministry contact the parish office (419) 693-1150.
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
Matthew 18:20
Mosaic is open to all women of the parish. MOSAIC meetings provide a variety of programs to enrich the lives of Christian women. This group sponsors retreats, mother-child breakfast, etc., and through a variety of fundraisers helps to offset some of the sacramental expenses of the parish. Contact the parish office (419) 693-1150 for more information.
Pathfinders ministry is open to all men of the parish. The mission of the Pathfinders is: We are a faith-based organization designed to meet the needs of all men in the parish. We are a group focused on development, social interaction, mentoring our flock and service to our community. For more information please contact Marty Perlaky at martyperlaky@gmail.com or Tony Smith at tsmith769@aol.com.
Awakening Faith
Works to reach out to non-practicing Catholics who are seeking answers to questions about returning to the Church. For more information contact Fr. Keith (419) 693-1150.
Welcome Weekend Retreat
Welcome is a weekend retreat for parishioners given by men or women who have previously attended Welcome at our parish. Through fellowship, faith sharing, hospitality, music, individual and group activities, Mass, and more, participants have the opportunity to step back from the every day to reflect on their lives and their spiritual journeys and build meaningful relationships with other men or women in the parish. (Men and women attend separate weekends.)
Church Cleaning
Church Cleaning involves parishioners who take turns straightening the church for weekend Masses. Twice a year, before Christmas and Easter, a more thorough cleaning is undertaken. To volunteer call the parish office (419) 693-1150.
Small Faith-Sharing Groups
During Advent and Lent small discussion groups of 6 to 12 parishioners form to share and discuss various spiritual topics such as the Bible, the Liturgical Year, the meaning of the Eucharist, etc. Some groups may meet year-round. Watch the bulletin for details.
Pastoral Council
The pastoral council assists the pastor in long-range planning through study and consultation. It is the principal planning and recommending body of the Parish. Elections are held annually.
Finance Council
The Finance Council advises the pastor and business manager about stewardship, development and financial concerns of the parish. The council assists with budgeting, review of financial reports and parish investments. Members are elected annually.
Cemetery Committee
Members of this committee see to the care and upkeep of our Cemetery. Members are elected annually.
Psalm 95:3-7
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are parishioners who, after preparation and commissioning, assist in giving the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. For more information contact our Parish office (419) 693-1150.
The Lectors are parishioners who proclaim the Scriptures at Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Anyone who is interested in this ministry should contact the Parish Office (419) 693-1150.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers are girls and boys, fourth grade and older, who assist the priest at weekend Masses and other liturgical celebrations. For more information contact our Parish office (419) 693-1150.
Offertory Gift Bearers
The Offertory Gift Bearers represent the assembly in presenting the gifts of bread and wine to the priest at each weekend Mass. For more information contact our Parish office (419) 693-1150.
Greeters offer hospitality to the gathering assembly, assist with seating as needed, and take up the offertory collection. For more information or for scheduling please contact the parish office at (419) 693-1150.
Our Ushers assist with seating as needed and take up the offertory collection. For more information or for scheduling please contact the parish office at (419) 693-1150.
Resurrection Choir
Resurrection Choir provides support for bereaved families and friends by singing at funeral liturgies and Memorial Masses. Resurrection Choir does not meet for weekly practices, but members arrive at church 20 minutes before the funeral to prepare in the Life Center. For more information, call Janaye Ashman at (419) 693-1150.
Cappella Chorus, St. Ignatius' Adult Choir
Cappella Chorus, St. Ignatius’ Adult Choir provides musical leadership by singing at 8:00 a.m. Sunday Mass and other liturgical celebrations throughout the year. Rehearsals are Thursdays from 5:30-7:00 p.m. For more information or to join, call Janaye Ashman at (419) 693-1150.
Con Brio
Con Brio is a contemporary music group that assists the parish in praising God through song at the 11:30 a.m. Sunday Mass and at other liturgical celebrations. For more information, call Janaye Ashman at (419) 693-1150.
Cantors lead the congregation by singing the responsorial psalm and other acclamations. For more information, call Janaye Ashman at (419) 693-1150.
St. Cecilia Children's Chime Chorale
St. Cecilia Children’s Chime Chorale is a musical ensemble for children and youth in grades 2-7. The chorale plays at our parish Youth Masses and for other special occasions throughout the year. Practices are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month in the Life Center from 5:30-6:30 p.m. For more information or to join, call Janaye Ashman at (419) 693-1150.
Church Decorating Team
Church Decorating Team is a group of parishioners who help decorate the church for Christmas. Decorating dates/times are posted in the bulletin, or you can volunteer by calling Janaye Ashman at (419) 693-1150.
Prayer Chain
Our Prayer Chain is a network of parishioners who pray regularly for the special needs of our community upon request. Anyone may ask for intercessory prayer for oneself, a family member or friend by contacting Lisa Perlaky at (419) 693-1150.
Adult Funeral Servers, EMHCs, & Lectors
Adult Funeral Servers, EMHCs, & Lectors provides support for the bereaved family at a funeral by exercising these liturgical ministries at the funeral Mass. For more information please contact Lisa Perlaky at (419) 693-1150.
Book of Prayer Intentions
The Book Of Prayer Intentions is displayed with our votive rack and statues. Parishioners are encouraged to write their prayer intentions into this book. These intentions are offered up to the Lord in the prayer of the Faithful at weekend Masses.
Christian Formation
“Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
Matthew 28:19-20
Faith Formation (A Family of Faith)
A Family of Faith is a new way to think about Religious Education. A Family of Faith helps develop strong Catholic families where children learn the joys of following Jesus Christ and the truths of our Faith through the witness of Christian life given by their parents.
Each month parents have the opportunity to choose from a variety of activities and discussion that they can do as a family to explore the concepts that are taught in each lesson.
Parents and children come together at the parish once a month for family catechesis and community building.
Sessions are the 2nd Sunday of each month from: 9:15am-11:15am.
Printable 2024-2025 Registration Form
Contact Mindy Koczorowski @ 419-693-1150 or youth@stiggys.org with questions.
First Sacraments
Children normally receive their First Penance and First Communion during their Second Grade year. Parents are expected to be actively involved in their child’s preparation. First Reconciliation is celebrated in the fall of their Second Grade year, and First Eucharist follows in the spring. To be eligible for First Penance/Eucharist, a child and family must attend two years of Faith Formation classes, normally in the First and Second Grade. Occasionally a child who is older may need to celebrate their First Penance/Eucharist. These cases will be handled on an individual basis with additional material being added to their regular class material. In order to receive First Eucharist, it is necessary, of course, for a child to have already been baptized. To enroll in First Sacraments, please contact Mindy Koczorowski @ 419-693-1150 or youth@stiggys.org
This sacrament, which completes one’s initiation into the Catholic Church is celebrated during the Eighth Grade year. In addition to the preparation that the children will receive during class time, youth are also required to gain service hours in three areas: Parish, Family, and Community. This is a reflection of Jesus’ desire that his followers be servants to others. The students may begin to complete their service hours during the summer after their Sixth Grade year. Also included in their Confirmation preparation is the choosing of a saint’s name and corresponding saint report, a Confirmation retreat provided here at our parish, and an interview with the pastor or catechetical leader. To enroll in First Sacraments, please contact Mindy Koczorowski @ 419-693-1150 or youth@stiggys.org.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
RCIA (Catechumenate) is the process for bringing adults of other religions or unbaptized adults into the Catholic Church. Persons who are interested in joining the Catholic Church, their sponsors and a group of current members meet, beginning in September. This small faith-sharing community will seek a deeper understanding of what discipleship in Christ is all about and will celebrate the steps of initiation in liturgical rituals throughout the year. Call the Parish Office for more information (419) 693-1150.
Youth Ministry (Life Teen)
As a Eucharist-centered movement within the Roman Catholic Church, Life Teen leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. With the Blessed Virgin Mary as our intercessor and guide, Life Teen seeks to unleash the fullness of the Sacramental power present within the young Church.
Life Teen strengthens our teens’ Catholic identity, while rooting them firmly in Christ and in His Church.
LifeTeen Overview Video:
Young Adult Ministry
Young Adult Ministry offers the opportunity to gather together for support and guidance for those in their late teens, twenties, and thirties. For more information contact our Parish Office (419) 693-1150.
Cardinal Stritch Catholic High School & Academy
For more information visit their website at www.cardinalstritch.org.
Parish Library
Located in the Parish Life Center, a small library is available to parishioners to assist them with their spiritual growth. The library includes a range of book titles and some DVDs covering topics such as Bible study, Catholic Church teachings, parenting, marriage enrichment, and spiritual life. A team of parishioners keeps the library in order and processes new books. To join the team call the parish office (419) 693-1150.
Gifted and Called
Ministry Team members promote and facilitate sessions to administer the Spiritual Gifts Inventory to parish members, helping them to identify the charisms or spiritual gifts they have received from the Holy Spirit. Parish members are invited to take the next step and use their spiritual gifts to serve our community in some form of ministry. If interested in serving on the team or taking the inventory call the parish office (419) 693-1150.
This is a declaration by a church tribunal that a couple’s previous marriage (which has ended in divorce) lacked essential elements to be considered a valid sacramental marriage in the Catholic Church. A person seeks an annulment:
- to put closure on a former relationship,
- to receive an internal spiritual reconciliation,
- to remarry within the Catholic Church.
Contact Fr. Keith Stripe for more information (419) 693-1150
Social Concerns
“For I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me water; I was a stranger and you invited me into your homes; naked and you clothed me; sick and in prison, and you visited me”…..”And I, the King, will tell them, When you did it to these my brothers you were doing it to me!”
Matthew 25:35-36
St. Vincent De Paul Society
St. Vincent de Paul Society is an international Catholic organization of lay persons that seeks, in a spirit of justice and charity and by person-to-person involvement, to help the poor. They make emergency food available and visit St Charles Hospital and area nursing homes on Sunday. For more information contact the parish office at (419) 693-1150
Bay Park Hospital Communion Ministry
Parishioners have the opportunity to bring the Eucharist to Catholics at Bay Park Hospital. Training is provided by the hospital which also handles the scheduling. Ministry is performed on a monthly basis. For more information contact the parish office at (419) 693-1150.
St. Louis Helping Hands
St. Louis Helping Hands provides food service for the poor and needy. Food is prepared and the kitchen is staffed by St. Ignatius parishioners on the third Monday of each month. To volunteer please contact our Parish Office at (419) 693-1150.
Friendly Visitors
Friendly Visitors provides support to parishioners who because of age or illness are confined to their homes, nursing homes or assisted living. Parishioners are asked to inform the parish of a homebound family member or neighbor so that our parish family can stay connected and provide ministry as needed. Volunteers make visits and bring the Eucharist. Bulletins are mailed to those who are homebound. Call the Parish Office with information about a homebound parishioner or to volunteer for this ministry contact the parish office at (419) 693-1150.
Bereavement Ministry
Designed to help those who have lost a loved one they provide friendship, support, and understanding through fellowship with others who have experienced grief. This accomplished one-on-one contact, a monthly support group, and regular mailings. If you feel called to this ministry contact the parish office 419-693-1150
Good Samaritan Parishioners
Parishioners are invited to prepare casseroles for St. Louis Helping Hands in Toledo. Pans and recipes are provided quarterly. For more information Lisa Perlaky at the parish office (419) 693-1150.
Funeral Luncheon Team
Funeral Luncheon Team serves a meal, provided by the deceased member’s family in the parish life center for a deceased parishioner’s family and friends after the funeral. Call the parish office for information or to volunteer for this ministry (419) 693-1150.
Nursing Home Visitation
St. Ignatius Parish is responsible for the spiritual care of the clients of Heartland Nursing home on Navarre Ave. Volunteers take Communion to the home every Friday and Mass is offered on the fourth Friday of each month at 10:30 a.m. To volunteer for this ministry please call the parish office (419) 693-1150.
Giving Tree
The giving tree is St. Ignatius’ Advent outreach to poor families in the Oregon area. On the First Sunday of Advent, the Giving Tree is displayed in the church. Tags on the tree indicate family needs or items needed to help needy families. Parishioners are invited to take a tag from the tree and purchase the gifts, returning them to the church for distribution. Contact the parish office for more info (419) 693-1150
Social Concerns Team
This ministry team has a threefold purpose: to educate parishioners about the social teaching of the Catholic Church and current social issues, to create opportunities for parishioners to share in social ministry, and to explore and establish new social ministries in our parish. If you feel called to share in this ministry call Fr. Keith Stripe (419) 693-1150.
Divorce Care Ministry
Our ministry team will provide understanding and support for the divorced through a thirteen-week series. Dealing with hurt and anger, coping and moving forward, status within the church and the annulment process will be some of the topics discussed. If you are interested in this ministry contact the parish office (419) 693-1150.
Parish Life
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
Matthew 18:20
Mosaic is open to all women of the parish. MOSAIC meetings provide a variety of programs to enrich the lives of Christian women. This group sponsors retreats, mother-child breakfast, etc., and through a variety of fundraisers helps to offset some of the sacramental expenses of the parish. Contact the parish office (419) 693-1150 for more information.
Pathfinders ministry is open to all men of the parish. The mission of the Pathfinders is: We are a faith-based organization designed to meet the needs of all men in the parish. We are a group focused on development, social interaction, mentoring our flock and service to our community. For more information please contact Marty Perlaky at martyperlaky@gmail.com or Tony Smith at tsmith769@aol.com.
Awakening Faith
Works to reach out to non-practicing Catholics who are seeking answers to questions about returning to the Church. For more information contact Fr. Keith (419) 693-1150.
Welcome Weekend Retreat
Welcome is a weekend retreat for parishioners given by men or women who have previously attended Welcome at our parish. Through fellowship, faith sharing, hospitality, music, individual and group activities, Mass, and more, participants have the opportunity to step back from the every day to reflect on their lives and their spiritual journeys and build meaningful relationships with other men or women in the parish. (Men and women attend separate weekends.)
Church Cleaning
Church Cleaning involves parishioners who take turns straightening the church for weekend Masses. Twice a year, before Christmas and Easter, a more thorough cleaning is undertaken. To volunteer call the parish office (419) 693-1150.
Small Faith-Sharing Groups
During Advent and Lent small discussion groups of 6 to 12 parishioners form to share and discuss various spiritual topics such as the Bible, the Liturgical Year, the meaning of the Eucharist, etc. Some groups may meet year-round. Watch the bulletin for details.
Pastoral Council
The pastoral council assists the pastor in long-range planning through study and consultation. It is the principal planning and recommending body of the Parish. Elections are held annually.
Finance Council
The Finance Council advises the pastor and business manager about stewardship, development and financial concerns of the parish. The council assists with budgeting, review of financial reports and parish investments. Members are elected annually.
Cemetery Committee
Members of this committee see to the care and upkeep of our Cemetery. Members are elected annually.